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The company is one of the 5 telecoms selected worldwide for an index with 104 organizations from 24 countries
The Telco stands out for its flexible work policies and its women development and awareness programs to senior management

Telefónica included in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index for its commitment to diversity

Telefónica has been included in the new 2018 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI). Launched today, the reference index measures gender equality across internal company statistics, employee policies, external community support and engagement, and gender-conscious product offerings.

The index, formed by 104 companies from 10 sectors of activity, incorporates Telefónica with 72,29 points out of 100. The company is one of the 4 Spanish entities chosen in a selection in which there are only 5 telecommunications operators on a global basis.

According to Bloomberg, Telefónica stands out for its practices (Best in Class) in flexible work policies and its women development and awareness programs to senior management. Bloomberg also appreciates the Whistleblower Channel which is opened for its collaborators. On the other hand, Telefónica is considered a reference for its support to educational and awareness programmes to move ahead on gender equality.

For José María Álvarez-Pallete, Chairman & CEO of Telefónica, diversity is “a source of Talent that allows Telefónica to get closer to a diverse and changing society. It generates value for the company and has a positive impact on our results. Our commitment to diversity and inclusion is part of our culture and is reflected in our policies, projects and strategy”.

Through its Global Diversity Council and its Policy on Diversity and Inclusion, Telefónica seeks to ensure both gender equality and multiculturality, and the variety of profiles, ages, capacities and experiences.

The 37.6% of its staff is made up of women, based on 2016 data. If we only look at the managers, female representation rises to 20.5%, with a goal of reaching 30% in 2020. In order to achieve this objective, there are different initiatives underway among which outstands the programme Women in Leadership: during that year, 44% of women promoted in leadership positions had participated in it.

"We commend Telefónica and the other 103 companies included in the 2018 GEI for their efforts to create work environments that support gender equality across a diverse range of industries," said Peter T. Grauer, Chairman of Bloomberg and Founding Chairman of the U.S. 30% Club. "Their leadership sets an important example that will help all organizations innovate and navigate the growing demand for diverse and inclusive workplaces."

"As investors continue to seek more information on companies' approaches to environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, the 2018 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index allows investors to compare companies' commitments to gender equality across industries and make better-informed decisions" said Kiersten Barnet, Deputy Chief of Staff to the Chairman at Bloomberg.

Companies included in the 2018 GEI –which represent 24 countries and range from a variety of sectors, including communications, consumer staples, energy, financials, materials and technology- submitted a social survey created by Bloomberg in partnership with third-party experts Catalyst, Women's World Banking, Working Mother Media, National Women's Law Center, and National Partnership for Women & Families.

The sector-neutral Bloomberg GEI follows the release of the Bloomberg Financial Services Gender-Equality Index (BFGEI), launched in 2016. The 2017 BFGEI included 52 financial firms, headquartered in 17 countries and regions.


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Telefónica, uno de los primeros Operadores del mundo
Telefónica es una compañía sensible a los nuevos retos que exige la sociedad actual. Por eso ofrecemos los medios para facilitar la comunicación entre las personas, proporcionándoles la tecnología más segura y de vanguardia, para que vivan mejor y consigan lo que se propongan. Un espíritu innovador, atento y con un inmenso potencial tecnológico que multiplica la capacidad de elegir de sus más de 327 millones de clientes en 21 países. Una empresa totalmente privada que cuenta con más de un millón y medio de accionistas y cotiza en varios de los principales mercados bursátiles del mundo. NUESTRA VISIÓN La vida digital es la vida, y la tecnología forma parte esencial del ser humano. Queremos crear, proteger e impulsar las conexiones de la vida para que las personas elijan un mundo de posibilidades infinitas. En Telefónica creemos que la tecnología forma parte de la vida de todos. Hoy, la conectividad no sirve sólo para relacionarnos, es esencial para nuestra vida personal y laboral. Nuestro papel es facilitarte el disfrute de la conexión, salvaguardando el uso de tus datos y dándote el control de tu vida digital. Queremos ser una ONLIFE TELCO, una telco para las personas, una telco para tu vida.

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